
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Epilogue for my report on P F Chang’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon

To my amazement, a number of you have come back to me with your comments on the marathon. The response was way beyond what I expected. I suspect, it was so because, it was Viji and Bala who successfully participated in the marathon and to a small measure because I reported on the event. Nevertheless, the comments from many of you were very much encouraging not only to Viji and Bala, who are now determined to take-part in the next marathon too, whenever that takes place, but to me as well for my enthusiasm to write. I found that a website provides an easy platform from where we can all share interesting events and experiences amongst ourselves. This could also be a welcome change from and in addition to our routine, ‘hello, How are you? Trust this finds you all in the best of your health and prosperity,’ types of mails and letters, we usually exchange. So, you can be assured of more mails and write-ups from me. I look to you for your continued commentaries – good or bad – palatable or not – so that I can explore adopting changes to the way they are written and to the areas written about or drop writing altogether.

Eventually, I do not know whether most of you are aware or not, I am a fond traveler and a quick-to-move-out-of-town character. It used to be generally hard for me to sit or stay in one place for long until eventually seven or eight years ago, I started taking up meditation more seriously, after I came into contact with Sri Kalki Bhagawan. In my last little more than three decades of work life, whenever, I got the slightest inkling, I would travel out. Thanks to the nature of my job, I was very frequently transferred from place to place, north to south and vice-versa and that gave me enormous opportunities to me to see places in India and that I loved. Places that are scenic beauties are my favorite places and that way hilly terrains are my most sought after destinations. I had the privilege to travel to several hill resorts in India and I still continue to cherish my memories about my trips to those places.

An idea just occurred to me, ‘Why not I write on some of my travels?’ I am sure many among you too visit places and love your visits to these places and your memories about them.

Hence, I started writing about, one of my, not so recent, travel to Mount Rushmore and Yellow Stone National Park in USA. This took place in June, 2004 and it lasted about a week. I would confess, this was one of my grandest tours in my lifetime. Mount Rushmore is a great memorial to the great Presidents of USA. The surrounding areas of Mount Rushmore and Yellow Stone National Park are among the greatest blessings of Mother Nature and God. To me, they are one of the Highest Manifestations of His Grandest Blissful (Ananda) State. Some of the earth’s greatest evolutionary geological manifestations and exhibitions are there for everyone to see. The rocks, the hot spring geysers, the waterways, the woods, the heights are all stunningly beautiful. I thought I should write about them to begin with. You will have a chance to watch some of the most beautiful photographs we took during our trip.

As this was a weeklong trip, it will be very difficult for me to complete a write up in just one report. Hence it might take a series of reporting. Our each day trip was more and more bewildering about nature’s display of its beauty. I am sure you would all enjoy the travel reporting which might begin to be published in my website: in the next about a fortnight or so.

Finally, I have three things to tell you:

1. I presume that I am not inconveniencing any one of you with my frequent mails on my writings. May be, I am taking a little extra liberty with people who are near and dear to me. I apologize if I have been indulging in your valuable time.
2. I also wish to reach more readers and more friends and relatives. So, I would not mind, if you mention about my website to your meaningful friends and relatives. This would encourage our family becoming larger, bonded to each other through a common medium.
3. Please continue to send in your comments.

23rd Jan,2007

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