
Thursday, July 04, 2013

Short Stories for Success for Young Readers: A New Lexicon Unfolded


The school bell just rang and the children of class V enthusiastically awaited Kamala Teacher. She had joined this school only a couple of months ago, but became everyone’s favorite instantly. She was a master dramatist and a fabulous story teller. The students loved her for her stories. The children laughed, cried, shouted, booed, and mimicked along with her as she told stories. Her presence electrified her every class.

As Kamala teacher entered, the whole class rose in respect greeting her in chorus ‘Namaste Teacher!’

Kamala teacher was charming, immaculately dressed, quite tall and walked elegantly. Her voice was mesmerizing and looks penetrating. One could always notice the pleasing smile on her face. She measured her words when she spoke, but they flowed naturally and spontaneously. She loved and respected every student and the children reciprocated her bountifully.

“Good Morning Children! How do you all do today?”

“Excellent! Teacher!’ the reply came again in chorus.

“Do you all believe learning History is very important?”

The children nodded in agreement.

“Can you tell me why History is important?”

Many raised their hands ready to answer. Kamala Teacher pointed her fingers to Sharada who rose to answer. “History is full of stories of people and their experiences. We can learn a lot from their experiences.”

“Absolutely! Learning from the experience of our ancestors and elders is a smarter way to happiness and success than waiting to learn from our own experience.” Kamala teacher paused and then continued. “History is full of people who took great strides in life. It is also full of people who had failed miserably. Their life experiences are great lessons to all of us.”

“Now, I want every one of you to name one quality or a trait that you think can bring success and happiness to us. Then we will try to relate some stories from our history or mythology or from our folk tales for better understanding. What do you all think?”

Every student rose and contributed to a large pool of attributes that they thought important for success and happiness. Sometimes, Kamala Teacher had to prompt them and seek more clarifications. Finally she listed a number of attributes that they all agreed would bring success and happiness. A new lexicon was given birth to in the class.

A for Attitude                                             

B for Beliefs

C for Choice                                                                                    

D for Determination

E for Empathy                                                                                 

F for Faith

G for Gratitude                                                                              

H for Habit

I for Integrity                                                                                  

J for Judgment

K for Knowledge                                                                            

L for Leadership

M for Magnanimity                                                                      

N for Nobility

O for Optimism     

P for Perseverance

Q for Quest                                                                                     

R for Relationship

S for Sacrifice                                                                                 

T for Truthfulness

U for Unity  

V for Value and Victory

W for Wisdom                                                                                

X for eXtraordinary

Y for Young                                                                                     

Z for Zeal

“Excellent! This may not be an exhaustive list, but we have made a good beginning,” said Kamala teacher. And then she began her stories.



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