
Monday, April 21, 2014

A noble job: The Current Half Story

I read an interesting story in one of my mails from the Indiblogger.


The Current Half Story

This Half Story is about a passionate principal, who runs a humble 3-room school, nestled among the mountains on the Indo-Nepal border, in a place called Megma. Despite shaky benches, faded and cracked blackboards and weak infrastructure, the students still walk in with huge smiles on their face. The principal, who despite retiring last year, still continues to teach them free of cost, and says that he will do this for the rest of his life! Let’s keep his dream alive of giving every home education. Complete his Half Story by giving this 3-room school stationery sets and blackboards. Read more here.


All such efforts need support from everyone. It is a pity that the state of affairs of education in some parts of India is far from anything civilized. It is pathetic that a school couldn't be provided even a proper blackboard. The Right to Education Act is, probably, a legislation in the right direction. The problem is only in the implementation of the policies, where the middlemen and the greedy take away the fruits of such legislation. We need funds allocation for education at least to match what we usually make for our defence and more than that, we need honest people to ensure that the money reaches the ultimate beneficiary. Too much of State control over the field of education, though a proper control is always required, is putting off many well meaning people entering the field of education. It is almost impossible to run an educational institution honestly without pleasing the bosses.

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