
Friday, December 26, 2008

About people who greatly inspired me: Neale Donald Walsch, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Anthony Robbins

About the writings of Neale Donald Walsch:

A client of mine mentioned about CWG (Conversation with God) book -written by Neale Donald Walsch - sometime in late 1990s. It was not until around 2001 or 2002 that I managed a copy of CWG Part I. He had written three volumes in this series. The book is organized as a series of questions posed to God by Walsch and God answering him. This became his conversation with God. Before he got initiated into his now famous conversation with God, Walsch narrates how he had a difficult time in his life, how many of his efforts did not yield results to him, how his health deteriorated, how he lived in brinks of poverty etc.. etc.. and finally in all his frustration throws away his yellow pad to some corner ... and remains blank looking at the sad...frustrated.... and when suddenly he starts receiving answers from God for his vexing questions ....when he regains his pad and starts writing, even as the answers from God keep flowing to him. The answers reach him clearly and he has no doubt that they come from HIM.

In the first volume he poses several questions to God and the questions relate mostly to problems of our day to day life – why we are not able to maintain good health, why we stay poor and why Lady Luck is not turning our side, why we are unable to succeed, why certain ill-fate keep visiting us repeatedly, why we are unable to maintain our important relationships, is sex and marriage important, why we are unable to love people, why do we have fear, hate, greed, jealousy and other similar emotions, are gods partial and a host of similar issues that keep nagging us everyday and where we don't get a convincing answer from any corner. The answers to these questions run into second part of the book too. In the final volume III, larger issues like education, child rearing and parenting, global conflicts, human consciousness, global communities, extra-terrestrial intelligence, universal energy and force, global villages, incarnations etc are discussed with God.

I may not have correctly chronologized the contents of the three volumes, but broadly they are the topics on which he discusses with God. The answers from God are candid and forthright.

When I initially started reading this book, I couldn't stop comparing notes with what my Bhagavan had taught me and I couldn't help concluding great thinking arrive from the same Source. “Even before you ask me a question, I had answered; but the problem is 'do you take notice?'” is one of God's powerful answers. “I would be powerless god if I had allowed something to exist without my sanction – that includes devil too.” is another powerful declaration from God. “Why, do you think gods cannot be humorous?” an extraordinary view. There are many such forceful and powerful statements and declarations from God.

I now believe that the answers for our various questions are already inpregnated somewhere 'there' and one has to only draw from it. That is how, almost same and similar declarations had been made by Lord Buddha, Jesus The Christ, Prophet Mohamed, Lord Krishna and many other people of Higher Consciousness. Even in scientific world, the same revelations keep happening to more than one scientist simultaneously though they were very little in touch with each other. Wisdom is universal.

I hear and read that in ancient days, several thousand years back, people talked to Nature for their needs and Nature readily obliged them. They could bring rains, cure diseases, protect agriculture and cattle. Stories are abound in all religions, in all societies, in all communities all over the world about such supernatural happenings because people could talk to gods.

In Indian traditions, there are plenty of mythological stories about people who just walked into god's abode, asked boon, demanded things, dared them. Everytime God did respond and they knew it. God cannot but deny when demanded by his 'Bhaktha' as He is 'Bhaktha Paraadheena'. His answer comes in the form of a vision, a voice, a dream, an apparition, an expected chance revelation, an intuition, a message from deep within, a sudden body movement, a sensation, and some people knew that it was His way of answering. Communication need not only be by way of a letter, e-mail, a phone call, personal face to face discussion. Communication between two need not be just spoken or written words. Experts on communication today would agree. Communication is transfer of information from a transferor to a transferee using a medium in which the communicated message is understood by both the sender and receiver.

Only after reading the CWG, I ever realized that such conversations do take place for many, but rarely noticed. It had happened to me too, like it could have happened to anybody else. It keeps happening to me. The only difference is that now I notice that such a conversation is taking place. And I also know that He is responding.

It is my personal belief now that Conversations or dialogues – remember it is not a monologue – can take place three forms. It could be a praise for God; “The more you send your prayers on His blessings, the more He showers on you,” says Joel Osteen, the Spiritual Speaker from Texas. It could take the form of a prayer; “Prayer has to come from your heart and not from your head. One must pray from a state of helplessness. One must have a close bondage with the Lord – may be a father, mother, a friend, a master.” says Sri Amma Bhagavan. Or a conversation may be meditating on HIM. Even silence could be a powerful form of conversation and may be the most effective one. Have we not noticed when someone very close to us, – may be our father, mother, a good friend – when they are silent, we understand what they mean. One can discern what silence means.

God answers very clearly and convincingly various questions from Walsch and through Walsch, He addresses everyone who seek answers for their questions. Exercising your mind, you may not agree with the answers. You don't have to. But they are still answers from God. It is up to us to listen to HIM. How many times, we all know for sure, we had been ignoring the answers from God?

The style, the coherence, the lucidity, the flow, the logic,, the arrangement of questions and the answers, the smooth flow between questions back and forth, the humor, the play and pun with some words and expressions in the Triology are all excellent and provokes a reader to contemplate. When you read these books purposefully, the least it does for you is you become aware. Awareness itself solves many problems. “ To See is to be to be Free.”

Other than Walsch's CWG triology series, his other works on “Friendship with God,” “Communion with God,” “Home with God” deserve equal and every praise. I would like to make particular mention about “Home with God” where God answers his questions on life after death. Almost same time, I was reading another book “Life after Death” by Dr.Deepak Chopra. The treatment in both books are different, but essentially contents - the ideas on life after death - are similar. The idea that “Birth is death and death is birth” struck me and for the first time, I felt comfortable with the idea of my death. Fear of death is the worst of our fears and very sub-conscious. Our reactions to many happenings in our life are based on this fundamental fear of death, though we do not recognize it and we do not accept it. We are scared to death by our fear of death. Both these books give us a reassurance that death is probably the most happy thing that can happen to us. The step by step narration of what happens after death– the soul's journey 'upwards' through a kind of tunnel, getting a life review, meeting our loved ones who are waiting to receive us, getting in touch with the Source, deciding what it desires to do and beginning the whole thing 'life' again – by Walsch is captivating and engrossing. Dr.Chopra coming from Eastern thoughts, takes cue from Upanishad on the basis of the story of Nachiket, a young boy daring Lord Yama (the Lord of Time and Death) to clarify to him the secrets of life after death and describes the process in his usual poetic and philosophic style.

Sri Bhagavan had given me the same message when I happened to attend a few spiritual programs. Now at age sixty, I have already put up a permanent 'Welcome Arch' gladly for Lord Yama to take over me whenever he desires, knowing that He has already agreed on for me 'a-long-time-to-go-yet', to help me fulfil some of my life-time dreams.

If Sri Bhagavan opened up the treasures of spiritual experiences to me, Walsh opened up the path to storing an understanding of the spiritual process that happens to everyone. As someone said, “We are all not just human being having spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having human experience.” I believe very strongly in this statement now. While reading Walsch helps a better understanding, my association with Sri Bhagavan helped me know them as Truth.

The statement by one of the main characters in a Shakespearean play that there are more things on heaven and earth that we do not understand is still true today. We have not come anywhere near the stage where we can proclaim that we have understood everything. “Everything in this creation cannot be understood; an enlightened person knows this.” But science will continue to struggle to know everything. That is the greatness of human spirit.

About the writings of Dr.Deepak Chopra

I came to know about the writings of Dr.Deepak Chopra only sometime in 2001. When I was in USA in late 2002, I had the initial opportunity to borrow his books from the library. The first ever book I read written by Dr.Chopra was 'Quantum Healing' and I was floored reading it. And I went on to read 'Ageless Body and Timeless Mind,' 'Creating Affluence'. I completed reading these books feverishly in a month's time or so. I also listened to his tape on 'Creating Affluence.'

As a devotee of Sri Amma Bhagavan, I was already blessed for spiritual healing and I had seen the miracles of spiritual healing happening in many places. I was already convinced of our mind's role and one's predisposition to becoming sick or getting cured. I was also aware of placebo effects in curing diseases. I have faith in Indian Ayurvedic approach to treatment, where focus on natural elements of which we are all made up of, is an essential element of treatment process. I have heard of stories of people getting relief from alternative medicinal systems including Reiki healing.

When presented with a scientific approach to 'Mind-Body medicine' by Dr.Chopra my earlier convictions on diseases and cure now got a rational base. I could clearly discern the role of our awareness and consciousness, faith and beliefs, meditative practices, even our relationship with objects and people having substantive role in the healing process.

Subsequently, I heard about Sylva Jose techniques in 'mind control' and alpha states of mind and using these techniques for fulfilment of our desires, curing diseases and a gourmet of issues. Having read and understood Sylva Jose techniques, I became a practitioner myself with great success.

Later on, I read Dr.Chopra's books, 'How to Know God?' ' Seven Spiritual Laws for Success,' 'Life After Death,' 'Peace is the Way' and one or two other titles. In all his books I found the underlying theme: 'Finding our connectivity to the Source'. As I read his books, I became more and more aware of myself, watching diligently what goes on in my head. And, such an awareness is slowly helping me in my day to day dealing with others, the way I can choose to respond to situations and people, help myself heal and create an understanding of this 'Field of All Possibilities.'

The writings of Neale Donald Walsh and Dr.Deepak Chopra impacted me so much; I own a copy of most of their books and do not hesitate to read them again and again. Each time I read, my clarity expands and I feel closer to the Source.

About the writings of Anthony Robbins

If the writings of Walsch and Dr.Chopra gave me a spiritual understanding of several issues, “Unlimited Power” and “Awaken the Giants Within” written by Anthony Robbins gave me enough practical lessons to learn to be successful when I was distressed most.

We all have immense potential inside; we have to only know it. We live in a field of all possibilities and infinite potential; we have to only harness it.

Our desires are our driving force. Our belief that we will reach our goals will sustain us in the process. And, our expectations – the image of the outcome of our efforts – will take us closer to our goals. They are the main ingredients of our faith.

And, there are many more people, who influenced and shaped my thinking and actions, in my life and I owe them a lot; I must make a special mention about my manager when I was working in a Middle East company as a consultant. He is a great motivational speaker, guide and pragmatist and for the first time, I learnt from him how fulfilment of my materialistic aspirations can help me in my spiritual goals. He will say 'Whether you are happy or not today depend on what you did yesterday and what you do now will decide whether you are destined to be happy or not tomorrw.' 'Do not simply pity people, empathise with them.' 'If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got.' They are some of the very forceful and hard-hitting statements I learnt from him. I used to enjoy his periodical workshops and practical guidance in selling and their spiritual content.

In retrospect, I now realize how almost everyone whom I had come across at various stages of my life had directly or indirectly helped me in knowing myself, knowing what I am and who I am and the greatest challenge I had always felt was to rise above myself and all that I was and I am.

Do you like this blog post? If so, you might be interested in the following blog post too, published subsequently in 2014.  

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