
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

About Sri Amma Bhagavan

I became a devotee of Sri Amma Bhagavan sometime in 1998 when I was working in Middle East. In fact, even my becoming His devotee happened by accident. Or, was it part of His grand design? To me it appears it must be the latter. I happened to be with a relative of mine when a financial consultant met him at his office to discuss some investment proposals. Strangely, much to our surprise, the person who came to my relative's place, started talking about Sri Bhagavan at length as though that was the agenda of his meeting with my relative. He talked with great conviction about Sri Bhagavan and the miracles that were happening in people's life when they were around Bhagavan. I did not tend to believe all those stories and vehemently questioned him, albeit, my relative was quieter and in a listening mode. Subsequently when I happened to join the same financial consultancy firm in the next three months, I was in closer contact with this gentleman who talked to me about Sri Bhagavan from time to time and used to invite me for the regular spiritual gatherings he was organizing every week end.

Initially, I started attending these gatherings usually known as 'Satsang' conducted by him purely out of my interest in devotional singing. However, gradually I got drawn into Bhagavan. And that was the beginning of major changes in my life that continue even today.

I attended a number of spiritual programs - conducted by Sri Bhagavan's direct disciples - that started giving me better clarity to life and its various aspects. As many changes occured wtihin me, I began experiencing changes outside too. To name only a few:

  1. I learnt the importance of relationship and of how rectifying our relationship paves way for prosperity and peace for people. Bhagavan emphasized that the least one can do is to keep the relationship with parents, wife and children in order. I learnt the importance of forgiving people and seeking genuine forgiving from others.

  2. I learnt that my problems are related to how I perceive my situation and they have nothing to do with the situation per se. Our perceptions make all the difference. When this lesson became a part of my truth – there is no such thing as absolute truth; everything is relative – things changed for good for me with very little effort on my part. Everything dependently arise and dependently cease.

  3. “You see, you become free.” We all want to be something and we are sad that we are something else and not what we want to be. The conflict begins from here. As we grow more and more in our awareness of what is inside us, our very act of seeing and becoming aware of what we are, set us free. I started feeling less constricted in my approach to life.

  4. Our consciousness is responsible for the way we feel about things in life. Higher the consciousness, greater is the feeling of freedom and joy.

I can list many more. Suffice is to say that as many internal changes started happening to me ever since I came into association with Sri Bhagavan, my external world changed spontaneously. I started attracting business and wealth and I became very prosperous in material terms. Becoming successful looked to be quite natural and the only limiting factor was myself and what I had in my mind. He blessed us with auspecious happenings in our life even while our awareness was getting the right shift gradually. We started living more in the present moment rather than being controlled by eternal fear, anxiety and concern for things based on memories of past experiences and expectations about future. We seemed to attract all sacred and prosperous things naturally. We realized that talking to God and His responding to us are natural phenomenon happening to everyone though only very few notice it. Mystical experiences and miracles kept happening from time to time and we felt secured in His presence and blessings.

Sri Bhagavan is focusing on bringing about a shift in man's awareness and consciousness to bring in peace and prosperity in the world.

'Enlightenment is something man cannot achieve on his own; he has to be given,' says Sri Bhagavan. His is a movement in awareness and consciousness aiming to achieve 'causeless love and limitless joy' among one and everybody.

In Sri Bhagavan's Oneness Univercity campus at Varadhaiyapalam, Chittor Dt, Andhra Pradesh (about 75 kms from Chennai, the capital of the State of Tamilnadu in India), the Spiritual Guides, commonly addressed as 'Dasaji' with reverence) conduct programs that help participants identify and remove any childhood traumas and illogical decisions, limiting beliefs and problems relating to our ego that subconsciously control life drama. Sri Amma Bhagavan's temple in Nemam, another campus at about 25 kms from Chennai hold rituals like poojas, homas (fire rituals), prayers to help people solve their chronic ailments, problems and sufferings and bring people closer to God. With the recent consecration of the Enlightenment Temple or what is popularly called 'The Golden City' by Bhagavan's devotees, at Batlavallam again close to Varadhaiyapalam, Andhra , people now have a means to experiencing divine energy and higher consciousness as a blessing from Sri Amma Bhagavan. This is done by a unique ritual called 'Deeksha' which means blessing. These Deekshas have brought great relief to many suffering people.

Besides, people who attend certain levels of the programs conducted by them are shown and taught the inner power of giving and receiving Deeksha and thus there are thousands of Deeksha Givers or Divine Blessers who become an instrument or a medium for bringing happiness in the lives of others. This is a great benediction of Sri Amma Bhagavan.

Sri Amma Bhagavan's followers are spread all over the world and the numbers are ever increasing exponentially. Miracles are a way of life in many devotees' homes.

With Sri Bhagavan's efforts, setting his goals towards enlightenment of the entire humanity for alleviating human suffering, the time is not very far when every human being will be prosperous and happy – happy by themselves and not requiring an external stimulation to find happiness, knowing that man is Happiness by himself.

One has to only experience Sri Amma Bhagavan to know the Truth. My gratitudes to Them for all the good that I enjoy.

There are a few websites that give more information on Sri Amma Bhagavan and about the power of Deekshas. I am a Deeksha giver and practice spiritual healing. I keep visiting USA from time to time.

(This is part of my series on 'My Interests in Spiritualism' and on 'People who brought about great changes in me' that I propose to be publishing in my

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