
Saturday, December 13, 2008

On Creation - Once again

God reveals again to me. He never reveals everything all at once and that seems to be His promise.

Today, I woke up to a dream. Though unconnected, I also got an apparition.

The message: You can create your success consciously. But, alas, you are creating your failures unconsciously. Let me explain how you can consciously create your success and then describe how your failures are getting created unconsciously.

And then the message flows:

First let us look at how you can create your success consciously. You see or look at something. Or, hear something and you think of wishing to possess something. It may be a several bedroom bungalow, a nice leather jacket, a trip to an exotic corner of earth or anything else. You suddenly develop a liking for it or the desire gradually grows . The more you think about it, your liking for it strengthens. It becomes a desire. As you surround yourself with anything that is directly or indirectly connected to your desire, and when your every nerve cries out that you want it, your desire turns into your intention. At some point, you become your intention and you become obsessed. That is when your intention potentially can become a reality at the first stage of materialization of desires. Remember, you only create the potential for some reality and it becoming a reality depends on a few other factors too.

For anything to become reality in your external world, it has to become a reality in your inner world. You must see your desire happening without any iota of doubt, in your mind and you enjoy your desire being fulfilled in your inner world.

Good or bad, when your intention is so strong, somehow, you somehow release the organising potential to create your reality. The Universe somehow obliges you. Thus you create your own reality and your own future. You create your future. You have the inner power to create your future and fulfiling your dream.

Carefully analyze how many of your desires got fulfilled, you will understand the truth behind this process. Though sometimes, unexpectedly a few good things too happen to you and there may be a reason for this too.

But, look what really happens.

You are generally so overwhelmed by your previous experiences of your failures and its haunting memories. Your self-doubt applies brakes. It is a kind of vicious cycle. Your doubts creates the potential for failures whose memories creates further self-doubt. But this does not happen by your conscious decision. You do not consciouosly decide to doubt certain outcome. It happens sub-consciously. Most times, whenever you wish for something, the first thing that pops out is your doubt: Am I eligible for this? Can I do this? Will this be too tough for me? Do I deserve this? Can this happen to me?

And you end up in endlesss self-fulfilling prophecy. Your doubts are reinforced by the eventual failure and your failure reinforces your earlier self-predictions: 'Did I not say I won't succeed? Did I not anticipate this?'

So, one has to break this conditioning of self-doubt and making self-fulfilling prophecy to succeed.

After all, life is not all about certainties, but more about uncertainties. And, in this uncertain world, we talk about the probability – probability of certain things happening or not happening.

This is a fundamental truth. Findings of Quantum Physics confirm this. One can only think about the probability of something being over there. But anything is possible. We are in a field of all possibilities.

By practice and conscious learning, we can focus more and more on the possibility of certain things happening to us the way we desire and gradually strengthen the probability of those events happening to us. One can never be so sure. However, everything is possible provided conditions are met.

Happiness lies in the process of life and not in certain outcomes. Success or failure is only in our mind and in our expectations of certain outcome. Can we be happy regardles of outcome? Yes, when we understand that there is some Absolute somewhere witnessing all happening and everything emerges forth from him as His blessings. And when we stay in our Gratitude for all blessings.

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